Double Jump
- Quickly dodge side to side to avoid obstacles and hazards! -

Information - Components - Modding Guide

Action Type: Movement.

Trigger Key: Straft (Shift + Left or Right).

Usage: Straft left or right while on the ground (also works with the Boost).

Based On: Sonic Unleashed.


Action Module (HUD Module)
This module should be attached to your Action System HUD.
Click it to enable or disable the action.

Quick Step Action (Attachment)
This is the attachment where all of the scripts and effects are stored. It attaches to your Spine.

Modding Guide

This guide uses the Personal Action System as an example. Your Quick Step may differ slightly.

Note: The Spin Jump is part of the Spin Actions attachment.
Spin Actions also includes the Double Jump, Spin Dash and Homing Attack actions.
Make sure you select the correct prims and scripts to avoid modifying other actions.

When modding the Quick Step it is always recommended to turn on the Highlight Transparent feature (Control + Alt + T).

Always rez Action System objects on the ground when modding rather than wearing them.
This not only makes them easier to edit but will ensure that changes will not be lost when detaching them.


Modding Colours

The motion blur effect is produced from three emitters positioned at the top, middle and bottom of your avatar. Each emitter should be coloured to match the most significant colour in each third of your avatar.

For example, the ideal motion blur for Sonic the Hedgehog would have the top two emitters coloured blue (to match his fur) and the lower emitter coloured red (to match his shoes).

1. Select one of the Motion Blur Emitters as highlighted here:

2. Open the Texture tab in the Build Tools window and click on the Color box.

3. Pick a colour and press Ok.

4. Repeat the above steps for each emitter.

5. Take the object back in to your inventory.

6. Right-click on it and choose Add.

7. Try out your new colours!

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Modding Settings

Every action includes a Settings script in its Root Prim. These scripts allows you to change various behaviour parameters, sounds, volumes and animations. In addition, almost every other script is moddable so you can change all of effects too.

1. Select the Root Prim as highlighted here:

2. Open the Content tab in the Build Tools window and open the script called Quick Step Settings.

3. Find the // Parameters section of the script near the top.

These are the behaviour parameters:

Parameter Name Description Options
param_quick_step_speed Determines the velocity of the Quick Step. Must be between 0.0 and 6.0.
param_quick_step_motion_blur Determines if motion blur particles emit when performing a Quick Step. Must be TRUE or FALSE.

You do not need any scripting experience to alter these settings. The orange text next to each parameter tells you what it does and how to change it. Let's look at the first parameter as an example:

float param_quick_step_speed = 2.0;// Determines the velocity of the Quick Step. Must be between 0.0 and 6.0.

If we break up this line we can see how it is structured:


Ignore this

Name of the parameter


// Determines the velocity of the Quick Step.

Tells you what the parameter does
Must be between 0.0 and 6.0.

Tells you how to change it

This parameter determines the speed of the Quick Step. It is currently set to 2.0. The orange text says it must be between 0.0 and 6.0. For example, setting it to 6.0 will make the Quick Step three times as fast!

You can change all of the parameters in the same way. Just make sure you set the values as indicated in the yellow text above.

Do not change or delete any speech marks [ " ], semi-colons [ ; ] or equal signs [ = ].

4. Change the parameters as you please.

5. Save and close the script.

6. Take the object back in to your inventory.

7. Right-click on it and choose Add.

8. Try out your tweaked Spin Jump!

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Modding Animations

Changing animations is done the same way as changing settings and sounds.

1. Select the Root Prim as highlighted here:

2. Open the Content tab in the Build Tools window and open the script called Quick Step Settings.

3. Find the // Animations section of the script near the top.

The Quick Step has two animation slots. Only one animation can be assigned to each slot. Animations will start and stop depending on the current state of the Quick Step.

These are the animation states:

Slot Name Description Looping
anim_quick_step_left Plays when performing a Quick Step to the left. MUST NOT be looped.
anim_quick_step_right Plays when performing a Quick Step to the right. MUST NOT be looped.

You do not need any scripting experience to change animations. The orange text next to each animation slot tells you when it plays and if it must be looped. Let's look at the first animation slot as an example:

string anim_quick_step_left = "THW Anim - Quick Step Left";// Plays when performing a Quick Step to the left. MUST NOT be looped.

If we break up this line we can see how it is structured:


Ignore this

Animation slot

"THW Anim - Quick Step Left"

Name of the assigned animation.
// Plays when performing a Quick Step to the left.

When the animation plays.
MUST NOT be looped.

Looping info

This animation slot is used when you perform a Quick Step to the left. The description says that the animation MUST NOT be looped.

4. Find an animation in your inventory that you want to assign to an animation slot.

5. Click and drag the animation from your inventory in to the Contents area of the Build Tools window.

6. Replace the currently assigned animation with the exact name of the new animation next to the animation slot.

string anim_spin_jump = "Your animation";// Plays when performing a Spin Jump. Looping optional.

Do not change or delete any speech marks [ " ], semi-colons [ ; ] or equal signs [ = ].

7. Save and close the script.

8. Take the object back in to your inventory.

9. Right-click on it and choose Add.

10. Try out your new animations!

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Modding Sounds

Changing animations is done the same way as changing settings and animations.

1. Select the Root Prim as highlighted here:

2. Open the Content tab in the Build Tools window and open the script called Quick Step Settings.

3. Find the // Sounds section of the script near the top.

The Quick Step has two sound slots. One sound can be assigned to each slot.

These are the sound slots:

Slot Name Description Looping
sound_quick_step Plays when performing a Quick Step. MUST NOT be looped.

You do not need any scripting experience to change sounds. The orange text next to each sound slot tells you when it plays and if it must be looped. Let's look at the first sound slot as an example:

string sound_quick_step = "dfce633e-cc81-db4c-655c-4d8dc9618af5";// Plays when performing a Quick Step. MUST NOT be looped.

If we break up this line we can see how it is structured:


Ignore this

Sound slot


Name or UUID of the assigned sound.
// Plays when performing a Quick Step.

When the sound plays.
MUST NOT be looped.

Looping info

This sound slot is used when you perform a Spin Jump. The description says that the sound MUST NOT be looped.

4. Find a sound in your inventory that you want to assign to an sound slot.

5. If you have a UUID of a sound, copy it and paste it in place of the original sound in the sound slot.

Alternatively if you have a sound file in your inventory (with copy permissions), click and drag it from your inventory in to the Contents area of the Build Tools window.

Change the UUID in the sound slot to the exact name of your sound.

6. Scroll down and find the // Volumes section of the script.

Each sound slot has its own volume setting. You can alter the volume of each sound by changing the variable (number).

You must select a number between 0.0 and 1.0. An example is 0.5 which is equivilant to 50%.

7. Save and close the script.

8. Take the object back in to your inventory.

9. Right-click on it and choose Add.

10. Try out your new sounds!

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Modding Effects

This is the Quick Step attachment. It uses particle systems.


Motion Blur (Particle Effect) Origins
How to edit: Select one of the highlighted prims and open the Motion Blur Effect script. Adjust the variables to your liking.
Colouring: This particle effect is scripted to use the prim's colour.

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The Hedgehog Workshop is not affiliated, licensed, or endorsed by SEGA Corporation in any way.
All products created by The Hedgehog Workshop are un-official and are always treated as such.